

공공갈등관리를 위한 갈등정보체계(DB)의 구축 및 활용방안 연구 : 갈등관리전문가 및 이해당사자의 인식을 중심으로


A Study on A Conflict Information Database for Public Conflict Management - Based on the Needs of Conflict Management Professionals and Stakeholders -

김광구, 김동영

피인용수 : 7(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Improvement of public conflict management system has been key agenda for administrations in Korea since early 2000s. Despite major efforts to institutionalize alternative dispute resolution and participatory governance, public conflicts do not seem to be managed effectively. This paper focuses on the roles of information as one of the components in conflict management system with an assumption that some information may affect perception and strategies of stakeholders in ways to motivate them to use more efficient and effective mechanisms rather than strategies that rely on power or rights. This paper surveyed the needs and perceptions of conflict management professionals and stakeholders about necessary information to help them resolve conflict more effectively. This paper argues that establishing conflict information database may contribute to improving current conflict management system in Korea.


 I. 도입 : 문제의식
 II. 갈등정보 역할과 관련된 선행연구 검토
  1. 갈등당사자들의 인식, 전략선택, 정보와의 관계
  2. 갈등정보를 활용한 선행연구 검토
 III. 갈등정보 활용 현황과 수요
  1. 갈등관리 연구 및 교육 전문가의 갈등정보 습득 및 활용 현황과 인식
  2. 중립자 활동 전문가들의 갈등정보 습득 및 활용 현황과 인식
  3. 민간이해당사자의 갈등정보 습득 및 활용 현황과 인식
 IV. 갈등관리체계의 자원으로서 갈등정보체계(DB)의 활용방안
  1. 제도의 활용과 개선
  2. 동기의 부여
  3. 갈등관리 전문가의 활용
  4. 갈등관리시스템 평가 자료에의 활용
  5. 공공갈등 분야의 체계적인 연구에의 활용
 V. 결론


  • 김광구 Kwang-Koo Kim. 경희대학교 행정학과 부교수
  • 김동영 Dong-Young Kim. KDI 국제정책대학원 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
  • 1Public Dispute in Korea, 1990-2006: A New Dataset네이버 원문 이동
  • 2Resolution of conflicts using mediation mechanisms - Focusing on cases of Seoul National Hospital네이버 원문 이동
  • 3The Influences of the Style of Conflict Management in Organizations on Public Officials Citizenship Behavior : Through the Intervening Variable, Trust네이버 원문 이동
  • 4동아시아연구원. (2008). 민주화 이후 한국의 집회시위와 민주주의.
  • 5대통령자문 지속가능발전위원회. (2004). 갈등관리시스템 구축방안 연구보고서.
  • 6대통령소속 사회통합위원회. (2010). 실효성 있는 갈등관리․해결 절차의 제도화 연구.
  • 7박홍엽. (2006). 공공갈등관리시스템의 비교연구. 「한국인사행정학보」, 5(1): 149-188.
  • 8A Study on Conflicts and Mediations between Local Governments - Focused on Conflict Comparison between Okjeong Lake and 35th Division of Korean Army네이버 원문 이동
  • 9An Exploratory Study on Casual Structure and Resolution of Social Conflict- Focused on Governance -네이버 원문 이동
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