For the vitality increase and charm creation of a region through urban generation, it's desirable to push ahead with the project on the basis of mutual cooperation through the public-private partnership between the end users-citizens, enterprises, the central government and local autonomous entities. The aim of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of public-private partnership management in urban regeneration with focus on Kitakyushu Eco-town in Japan, and to get policy implications for effectively promoting the urban regeneration project in Korea. This study wat to analyze with focus on the three indexes, such as the role division, activities and financial strategies between the promotion organization and main agents. In addition, this study also combined the interview survey on the persons concerned the visit to the Kitakyushu City Hall with documentary research. The research results found that the public-private partnership in the Eco-town project of Kitakyushu had the characteristic of having the private-led project performance and a closely linked cooperation structure with industry-university-research-government. They also revealed aggressively reflecting the needs of the community and firmly establishing the opening & sharing system of the project information for citizens and the community through the research group and council from the stage of project planning. It's necessary for us to refer to what are suggested by the foregoing characteristics and the limits of the public-private partnership in Eco-town of Kitakyushu for the upcoming urban regeneration policy in Korea.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 일본의 에코타운사업 추진과정
1. 도시재생정책으로서의 에코타운사업
Ⅲ. 키타큐슈 에코타운사업의 추진과정과 특성
1. 키타큐슈지역의 사회경제적 배경
2. 키타큐슈 에코타운사업의 추진과정 및 실태
3. 에코타운사업의 추진전략과 특징
Ⅳ. 키타큐슈 에코타운사업 민관파트너십의 특성
1. 추진조직 및 주체간 연계관계
2. 주체간 네트워킹과 파트너십의 특성
3. 파트너십의 제약조건
Ⅴ. 요약 및 정책시사점