

Learning to Use English in Korean Context : Teacher-Learners’ Perspectives


Jae-Young Choi

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study investigates English teacher-learners’ perspectives on learning to use English in Korean context. Fifty eight prospective English teachers' responses to a survey questionnaire on 1) the current English proficiency, use, and needs, 2) values attached to English proficiency, 3) the current practice of English learning, and 4) solutions and suggestions for English study are analyzed. For in-depth reading of the survey result, focus groups interviews are conducted and analyzed as well. The analysis shows that the teacher-learners perceive: 1) English ability is important but not main in Korean lives, 2) therefore, English learning is not given legitimacy to dictate Korean lives. 3) However, with the empowering presence of the language, its learning businesses might run out of control, and that needs to be managed by the government agency. One aspect to note is that while the teacher-learners claim lacking English input in Korea as causing learning difficulties, they tend to refuse various exposure measures if they appeal to encroach on their cultural and national integrity. Based on the result, this study suggests probes into the Korean context of English learning and use beyond the confines of the language classroom.


I. Introduction
 II. Background
  1. Sociocultural Understanding of Learning to Use L2
  2. Learning English: Korean Context
 III. Methodology
  1. Research Tool
  2. Participants
  3. Data Collection: Survey and Focus Groups
  4. Data Analysis
 IV. Results and Discussion
  1. English Proficiency, Use. and Needs
  2. Values Attached to English Proficiency
  3. The Current Practice of English Study
 V. Conclusions and Implications


  • Jae-Young Choi 최재영. 홍익대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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