

‘드러내기’와 ‘감추기’, 야누스적 디오니소스의 세계 -『폭풍의 언덕』과 『주홍글자』를 중심으로


‘Showing’ and ‘Hiding,’ The World of Janus-like Dionysus: Wuthering Heights and The Scarlet Letter


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Dionysus is the god of the grape harvest, wine-making, and wine of ritual madness and ecstasy. Also Dionysus is represented as the protector of those who do not belong to conventional society and thus symbolizes everything which is chaotic, dangerous, unexpected, everything which escapes human reason and which can only be attributed to the unforeseeable action of the gods. Dionysian orgiastic ritual, Bacchanalia, is described to be violent, destructive, and erotic in Rene Girard’s La Violence et le Sacre: Violence and The Sacred because the obstacles such as Sexual, Age Difference and the difference between the rich and the poor disappear through the ritual but soon it becomes bloody. In this regard, Ritual Dionysus has negative and positive features. Main characters in Wuthering Heights and The Scarlet Letter show these dualities: Positive and Negative attributes, Good and Evil, Keeping and Breaking of social order, Showing and Hiding of intrinsic desires. Heathcliff’s and Chilingworth’s revenge spoil and transform their own physical and psychological attributes as well as their enemies who destroy their territories in which oneness is between them and their lovers, Catherine and Hester. The fundamental reason that changes happen in both works is from provocative sexual deviance which means the destruction of social norm. That is to say, two societies in both works have the dualities of Janus-like Dionysus. These dualities, keeping and breaking of order, are represented by “Showing and Hiding” Even though the superficial atmosphere of each society shows differences, both have similar features: the co-existence of Positive and Negative attributes to make ‘Artificial Paradise’, ‘De-Civilizational society’, Also these attributes happen as concealment and exposure.


I. 들어가기
 II. 경계 허물기
 III. 디오니소스, 이성으로부터의 해방인가,에로틱한 욕망인가?
 IV. 긍정과 부정의 수레바퀴 - 공존이 이룬 세계
 V. 나가는 말


  • 이광순 Kwang -Soon Lee. 목포대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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