

포스터 발표 : 환경생물 및 에너지

Effect of Organic Acids on the ABE Prodution by Solventogenic Clostridia



The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of acetic acid and formic acid on the ABE production by C. acetobutylicum and C. beijerinckii. The effect of co-presence of acetic acid and formic acid was also examined. In the case of Clostridium acetobutylicum, added acetic acid (3.7-9.7 g/L level) slightly increased the total ABE concentration, but drastically decreased in the presence of 11.7 g/L of acetic acid. However, C. beijerinckii was not affected on the solvents production by the acetic acid in the range of 3.7-11.7 g/L. C. acetobutylicum was more vulnerable for the tested acid conditions than C. beijerinckii. Especially, formic acid has the fatal inhibition effect on the ABE production by C. acetobutylicum. However, C. beijerinckii showed a strong tolerance for the tested acids. . In the hydrolysis process, acetic acid and formic acid can be co-existed in acid hydrolysate. Therefore, it is concluded that C. beijerinckii is more favorable than C. acetobutylicum when the ABE production is performed using lignocellulosic hydrolysate containing acetic and formic acid.


  • Dae Haeng CHO Dept. of Chemical Eng. Kwangwoon University.
  • Soo-Jeong SHIN Dept. of Wood and Paper Science, Chungbuk National Unbiversity.
  • Yong Hwan KIM Dept. of Chemical Eng. Kwangwoon University.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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