

포스터 발표 : 식품 및 바이오신소재

Piceid Extraction Processes from Grape Fruit Stems



The extraction conditions of piceid from grape fruit stem (GFS) was optimized with regard to extraction method, extraction solvent, reaction temperature, solvent concentration and extraction time. The content of piceid in hot water extraction was measured as 76.5 ㎎/100g. The supercritical fluid extraction was carried out at a temperature of 40℃, with static extraction period of 15 min and dynamic extraction time 30 min, using ethanol as a modifier at 1.5 ml/min flow rate. The content of piceid in supercritical fluid extraction was measured as 1.4 mg/100g at a operation pressure of 300 bar. The ultra-sonication with frequency of 42 kHz was applied to the hot water extraction at temperatures of 25℃, 40℃, 60℃, respectively. The piceid contents in case of ultra-sonication aided extraction were 18.1-33.8 mg/100g, depending on the extraction temperature. Consequently it was confirmed that the hot water extraction process gave the highest yield of piceid from GFS.


  • Hee Heong CHAE Dept. of Food and Biotechnology and Research Institute for Basic Science, Hoseo University, Asan 336-795.
  • Hye Jin WOO Dept. of Food and Biotechnology and Research Institute for Basic Science, Hoseo University, Asan 336-795.
  • Yun Jin PARK Dept. of Food and Biotechnology and Research Institute for Basic Science, Hoseo University, Asan 336-795.
  • Buung Jhip HA Cotde Co., Ltd., 43-5, Sameun-ri, Jiksan-eup, Cheonan 330-816.


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