

포스터 발표 : 식품 및 바이오신소재

Evaluation of sensitivity of bacteria and viruuses in porcin skin by gamma irradiation



In this study, gamma irradiation sensitivities of bacteria and viruses in porcine skin were evaluated to develop the dressing material and a xenoskin graft. Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis were used as model pathogens and inoculated at 106 - 107 log CFU/g. As model viruses, porcine parvovirus (PPV), bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), and poliovirus were used and inoculated at 105-- 106 TCID50/g into porcine skin. The D10 value of E. coli was found to be 0.25±0.1 kGy. B. subtilis endospores produced under stressful environmental conditions showed lower radiation sensitivity as D10 was 3.88±0.3 kGy in porcine skin. The D10 values of PPV, BVDV, and poliovirus were found to be 1.73±0.2, 3.81±0.2 and 6.88±0.3 kGy, respectively. These results can offer the basic information required for inactivating pathogens by gamma irradiation and achieving dressing material and porcine skin grafts


  • Jong-il CHOI Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Deajon, south Korea.
  • Eu-Ri JO Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Deajon, south Korea.
  • Jae-Hun KIM Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Deajon, south Korea.
  • Beom-Suk SONG Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Deajon, south Korea.
  • Jaekyung KIM Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Deajon, south Korea.
  • Jong-Heum PARK Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Deajon, south Korea.
  • Ju-Woon LEE Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Deajon, south Korea.


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