

포스터 3분 스피치, 좌장 : 이선구 (부산대학교), 윤형돈 (영남대학교)

Non-labeled immunoassay based onzeta-potential analysis



Immunoassay has been widely used for the detection of target analytes in complex mixtures such as blood by using highly specific antigenantibody interactions. In this work, antibodies against a target analyte was immobilized to magnetic beads and the change of surface charge of a magnetic bead was measured after the binding of a target protein by using a zeta potential analyzer. For the feasibility test of the zeta potential analysis for immunoassays, horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was used as a model target analyte. The application to medical diagnosis was demonstrated by detection of C-reactive protein (CRP) which is known to be a biomarker for inflammatory diseases.


  • Eun-Hang LEE Dept. of Material Science and Engineering, Yonsei university, Seoul, 120-749.
  • Ju-Kyung LEE Dept. of Material Science and Engineering, Yonsei university, Seoul, 120-749.
  • Yong-Hee LEE Dept. of Material Science and Engineering, Yonsei university, Seoul, 120-749.
  • Jae-Chul PYUN Dept. of Material Science and Engineering, Yonsei university, Seoul, 120-749.


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