

글로벌코스메틱연구개발사업단 성과발표회 II: 융합기반기술 개발연구 성과발표, 좌장 : 조완구 (전주대학교)

Three Dimensional Skin Model and Regulation of Interfollicular Epidermal Stem Cell



Keratinocytes can be divided into stem cells, transit amplifying cells, and postmitotic differentiating cells. Epidermal stem cells can contribute to the maintenance of the epidermis via their self-renewing ability. Recently, it was suggested that cell-ECM interactions influence these findings. Thus, strategies for manipulating cell-ECM interactions hold promise in controlling skin disease or preventing aging effects. Epidermal cells are surrounded by neighboring cells and tissues. Thus, it is possible that epidermal cells are under the control of surrounding environment. Previously, we reported the effects of dermal sheath cells (DSC) on the maintenance of stemness of interfollicular epidermal stem cells and recovering effects on basement membrane. In that study, we found that IGFBP-2 is a major factor from DSCs which affects epidermal regenerative capacity of skin. Thus, we proposed stem cell activation as a new concept for the development of cosmetic or therapeutic agents. There are diverse cells in the skin and fibroblasts are also an essential component of skin. Thus, it can be hypothesized that fibroblasts also may affect the stemness of epithelial cells. The epidermal regenerative effect of both neonatal and child fibroblasts were compared in a skin equivalent model. These findings clearly showed that stemness of interfollicular stem cells can be regulated by surrounding factors of skin and stem cell activator can be useful in controlling skin aging and disease. Importantly, skin equivalent needs to be consistent to be used as a model for in vitro model. In this study, the use of Cervi Cornus Colla will be presented which greatly improve the consistency of skin equivalent to be used in experiment.


  • Kyoung-Chan PARK Department of Dermatology, Bundang Seoul National University College of Medicine/Department of Biochemistry, Chung-Ang University College of Medicine.
  • Hye-Ryung CHOI Department of Dermatology, Bundang Seoul National University College of Medicine/Department of Biochemistry, Chung-Ang University College of Medicine.
  • Seung-Hye YANG Department of Dermatology, Bundang Seoul National University College of Medicine/Department of Biochemistry, Chung-Ang University College of Medicine.
  • Dong-Seok KIM Department of Dermatology, Bundang Seoul National University College of Medicine/Department of Biochemistry, Chung-Ang University College of Medicine.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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