A Homiletical Analysis and Responsive Strategy on the Contemporary Mystical Movement
After the dramatic church growth period during 80th, contemporary Korean churches and Christian peoples are paying attention to the mystical movement such as, contemplative prayer movement or mystical healing ministry. An important purpose of mysticism is to seek Godhuman unification by the deep enlightenment or mystical experience.
This article seeks to analyse the historical background of the contemporary mystical movement from the ancient Greek philosophy and Judaic apocalypticism. Ascetic monastery movement of the ancient eastern church had opened the gate through which the ancient Greek mystical philosophy entered into the ancient Christianity.
After trace the historical background of the ancient and medieval mystical movement in the Christian history, this article compares several remarkable distinctiveness between mystical God-human unification theory and the Reformed theology��;��:s God-human unification theory. One of these differences is upward salvation and downward salvation.
Mystical God-human unification presupposes upward salvation which human being should acquire by the inward spiritual talent. However, Reformed theological unification theory underlies downward salvation from God to human. After compare several distinctiveness, this article suggests several homiletical strategy to overcome contemporary mystical movement in the Korean churches.
I. 들어가는 글
II. 펴는 글
1. 초대 헬라 기독교 신비주의의 배경
2. 초기 헬라 기독교 안의 신비주의 사상
3. 중세 기독교 신비주의
4. 아빌라의 테레사의 관상을 통한 하나님과의 연합
5. 영혼의 신성화인가? 그리스도와의 연합인가?
III. 나가는 글