


신천지 이단의 성경해석과 설교적 대응


Criticism on the Way of interpreting the Bible in ‘Shin-chun-ji’ Heresy and Suggestions to Confront in Preaching Context


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The heresy group ‘Shin-chun-ji’(translated to ‘New heaven and earth’) has become one of the biggest problems in the Korean Church. They (Shin-chun-ji) advocate their own focus on the Bible itself, more so than any other heretical groups, which is the very reason we should focus on proper interpretation of the Bible when we try to argue against their beliefs. By strongly emphasizing that their way of interpreting the Bible is the only correct one, they are causing confusion among Christians in Korea.
Shinchunji presupposes that the Bible is simply a ‘figure of speech.’ They further argue that the very fact the Bible is ‘figure of speech’ means that there are meanings within the Bible that is enveloped which again presupposes a need for a certain person who will be the one and only person to unlock the truth of the Bible. And in line with such argument, they conclude Manhee Lee is that the very person. Such ‘facts’, however, are solely their own arguments that is grounded in no evidence what so ever. The way they interpret the Bible, which is sometimes referred to as ‘the metaphor interpretations in making pair’, is worse than the very worst case of allegorical interpretation, and furthermore can prove to be not only dangerous but nonsensical. In other words, what they are doing is not a method of biblical interpretation, but is a way of distorting the Bible. The current study is a full-fledged criticism on the arbitrary interpretation method of ‘shinchunji” heresy, furthermore suggests methods for how preachers should deal with and confront such heretical arguments in the preaching contexts.


 I. 들어가는 글
 II. 펴는 글
  1. 신천지의 핵심교리
  2. 신천지 이단의 성경해석의 궁극적 목적
  3. 신천지의 성경해석의 기본 틀과 해석 방법
  4. 설교적 대응방안
  5. 목회적 대응 방안
 III. 나가는 글


  • 정창균 Jung, ChangKyoon. 합동신학대학원대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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