

Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Chair : Byoung Yeon WON (KAIST, Korea)

Touchscreen as a novel biomolecule detection platform



As part of an effort to develop an innovative biomolecular detection platform, we have investigated a new biomolecular detection strategy that employs a touchscreen, which is widely used in current mobile devices. Based on changes in the location of touch signals on a surface capacitive touchscreen or the intensities of touch signals on a projected capacitive touchscreen, concentrations of unknown DNA samples, serving as model targets, were accurately determined in a manner that is comparable to the detection performance of a conventional absorbancebased method. Furthermore, the detection capability of touchscreen method was verified by using a polypyrrole, conducting polymer. The results suggest that the new technique should be generally applicable to other biosensing devices. The capacitive touchscreen-based system should serve as a new platform for the development of various systems targeted at the detection of biomolecules having compatible dielectric properties. Since this technology should be readily integrated into touchscreen-equipped smart phones or smart pads, it could truly accelerate the development of real POCT or personalized medical devices.


  • Byoung Yeon WON Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (BK21 Program), KAIST.


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