

Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Chair : Byoung Yeon WON (KAIST, Korea)

Flexible and Stretchable Electronics and Applications for Biomedical Devices



High quality single crystal inorganic materials for high performance electronics and optoelectronics are intrinsically stiff and brittle, while biological systems are soft and curvilinear. To achieve flexible and stretchable bio-integrated electronic systems with comparable performance to state-of-the-art, wafer-based devices, high quality single crystal inorganic materials should be incorporated with substrates of mechanical properties of biosystem. Deterministic assembly method using transfer printing inorganic nanomaterials onto flexible and stretchable substrates solves this fundamental mechanical mismatch between electronic devices and bio-system [1].By designing unconventional shapes of nanomaterials and controlling pre-strains, stretchable systems with wavy and serpentine layout are developed. This system minimizes the induced strain in active area while successfully isolates strain to highly stretchable interconnection regions. The concepts of flexible and stretchable bio-integrated devices are illustrated through application examples including soft and conformable electrophysiological monitors integrated with hearts and brains[2-4], and tattoo-like epidermal electronics with mechanical properties matched to the epidermis[5]. The value of this approach is demonstrated in in-vivo and in-vitro experiments. The resulting bio-integrated electronic technologies realize important improvements in diagnostic and therapeutic surgical tools, including electrophysiological mapping systems, prosthetic devices and electrical stimulation therapies.


  • Dae-Hyeong KIM School of Chemical and Biological Engineering,Seoul National University, Seoul 151-744, Korea.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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