

Bioseparation Engineering and Membrane Technology in Water/Energy Industry, Chair : Joon Ha KIM (GIST, Korea)

Membrane fouling by red-tide microorganisms in seawater desalination



Recently the incidence of red tide has increased in Middle East, especially in Abu Dhabi, and the number of red tide recordings jumped to five in 2006 and eight in 2008. Algal bloom has a serious effect on operation of seawater desalination plants. It clogs a filter and the plant operation is halted. Although red tide phenomenon can cause a serious problem in seawater desalination plant, very limited information concerning an effect of algal bloom on the plant operation is available. An effect of algal bloom on membrane fouling is examined in this study. The study attempts to answer to questions such as how algae cause membrane fouling and how to reduce the fouling. For this study, seawater taken from the Masan bay is spiked with dinoflagellate species such as heterosigma akashiwo and prorocentrum micans. The algae spiked seawater was then fed into the microfiltration system. While increasing the cell number, the membrane fouling was induced and how algae induce the fouling has been investigated. The HPLC-SEC analysis was conducted to pinpoint the fouling substances. Several treatment techniques were introduced to indentify the most effective method of reducing the fouling.


  • Seung-Hyun KIM Civil Engineering Department, Kyungnam University.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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