

연구논문 / Research Articles

허브공항과 컨세션업체의 관계를 중심으로 네트워크 전략에 관한 연구


Strategy of Managing the Network with Hub Airport and Concessionaires


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Most airport operators in the hub competition are seeking to secure high level of service to passengers. They allow concessionaires to provide various services to passenger by contracting with concessionaires including duty free shops and restaurants. An airport operator needs to manage the network with them to ensure that passengers are satisfied with the service quality and that prices and quality are competitive with those of neighboring airports.
The effects of interaction between the two mediating variables - trust by the bilateral governance mechanism and influence by the unilateral governance mechanism - are hypothesized to have a positive impact on long-term orientation and forbearance of opportunistic behaviors. The pure hub type airport operators are found to monitor concessionaires more than the Incheon Airport operator does. There is no significant difference in the other unilateral governance mechanism between the two types of airports.
The result of the analysis discovered that the interaction effects between trust by the bilateral governance mechanism and influence by the unilateral governance mechanism are not significant in having an impact on long-term orientation and forbearance of opportunistic behaviors. However, since both trust and influence have positive influence on long-term orientation and forbearance of opportunistic behaviors, it can be inferred that the integral type of governance type in which both bilateral and unilateral governance mechanism are adopted simultaneously is adequate.


Ⅰ. 서론
  제 1 절 연구의 배경과 목적
  제 2 절 연구의 범위와 체계
 Ⅱ. 이론적 고찰
  제 1 절 경쟁력 우위원천
  제 2 절 네트워크
 Ⅲ. 연구설계 및 조사방법
  제 1 절 연구방법 및 연구가설
  제 2 절 연구설계
 Ⅳ. 분석결과
  제 1 절 변수의 타당성 및 신뢰도
  제 2 절 모형의 분석 및 가설검정
 Ⅴ. 결론
  제 1 절 연구의 요약 및 시사점


  • 김용완 Kim, Yong-Wan. 남부대학교 호텔조리과 교수.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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