

Bio-inspired Biomaterials, Chair : Insung S. CHOI (KAIST, Korea)

Controlled Bioconjugation for Construction of Protein-Containing Nanostructures



Polymers with chain ends attached to proteins have potential applications in pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, as they can effectively improve protein stability, solubility, and biocompatibility. The plausible applications include protein delivery, enzyme immobilization, and biosensors. Recently, conjugates between natural proteins and synthetic polymers have been receiving increasing interests in material science areas with expectations of providing new routes for preparation of biologically functional structures by synergistic action from two distinctive materials. In addition, synthetic polymers attached to proteins impart new properties such as self-assembly and phase behaviour. In this study, we describe the synthesis of NTA end-functionalized polystyrenes by ATRP and their use for bioconjugation with His6-GFP to produce self-assembled structures in aqueous system.


  • Hyun-jong PAIK Department of Polymer Science &Engineering, Pusan National University.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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