

성만찬의 의미에 대한 대상관계이론과 기독교 영성적인 조명


The Projection of True Meaning of Eucharist in Object Relations Theory and Christian Spirituality


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the protestant preaching, the importance of Eucharist should be reviewed. For to do, Christians must understand true meaning of Eucharist and practice it in their life. From this paper, we can understand true meaning of Eucharist as a gratitude which is full of joy, as a memory and a remembrance sacrifice Jesus Christ, as an existence of Jesus Christ, as unity between Christians and Jesus by relationship, as an accomplishment of promise, as a community festival. And the six meanings of Eucharist are reviewed through the views of Object Relations Theory and Spirituality Theology. The object relations theory does not regard human as biological beings who endlessly eager to get the satisfaction of sexual desire. It regards human as beings who eager to improve relationship originally. Christian spirituality eager to understand God’s mind and practice in their life through the experiencing relationship with objects. We seek higher, more meaningful, more valuable life through the new enlightenment of God’s love. If you realize true meaning of Eucharist, you can have a creativity in all relations as compassion. Therefore among object relations theory, Christian spirituality and meaning of Eucharist have a point of intersection. That is relationship.
This ‘Nephes’ Hebrew word means spirit in English. Nephes means “live and wiggle center.” So the word spirit can’t simply justify a space which makes relationship with God. Moreover it indicate human as holistic, integrated beings. People seek relations among the Creator God, other people, a spiritual world and a nature. The room for eating together is a space which is sharing relationship. The purpose of this paper is analyzing the True meaning of Eucharist in relational point of view.


I. 들어가는 글
 II. 펴는 글
  1. 성만찬과 관계성
  2. 성만찬의 의미에 대한 대상관계이론과 기독교 영성적인 조명
 III. 나가는 글


  • 김홍근 Kim, HongKeun. 한세대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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