

어린이 예배의 문제점과 대처방안(어와나, 와우큐키즈, 윙윙을 중심으로)


The alternatives of Problems with Children’s Worships and Measures (awana, wow-q-kidz, wingwing)


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aimed to examine programs such as awana, wow-q-kids, and wingwing introduced by leaders based on recognition of the seriousness of a decline of children’s Sunday schools managed by Korean churches from the perspective of theology of worship, identify problems, and find measures to the identified problems.
This paper aimed to explore solutions to problems arising from the introduction of such programs by presenting necessary elements of worships. Worships shall be God-oriented. Worships shall be able to reveal Heilsgeschichte of Jesus Christ. They shall be provided in the Holy Spirit. At the same time, worships shall be based on the Word of God and contain clear dedication and restore community aspects. Children shall be helped to actively and spontaneously take part in worships. When service music is applied and glorifies God, the worship can be genuine in terms of theology of worship.
The paper suggests the following in the hope that the above-mentioned approaches can help children��3��ns Sunday schools in Korea to maintain the nature of services and help children to become good worshippers in terms of theology of worship. First, education and training for children��3��ns service providers shall be arranged and provided. Currently, the theological approaches applied by Korean churches are arranged only for older adults. As training and education of children��n��3s service providers is to prepare for future churches, the religious orders and related people from theological schools shall take proactive measures. Second, the introduction of a new program shall be theologically verified. Korean churches focus more on growth-oriented programs rather than on theological approaches and find it difficult to establish measures when problems arise. Third, the Bible education shall be strengthened. Based on the Old and New Testaments, leaders must remember the fact that individuals and states became stronger when education of the Word of God was strengthened but there was punishment of God in the event of the contrary cases.


I. 들어가는글
 II. 펴는 글
  1. 어린이 프로그램에 대한 이해
  2. 어린이 예배의 문제점
  3. 어린이 예배의 대처 방안
 III. 나가는 글


  • 민장배 Min Jang Bae. 성결대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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