

형용사 유의어의 공기어 네트워크와 활용 - ‘안타깝다’류의 형용사를 중심으로


The Utilization of a Co-occurrence Word Network of Adjective Synonym - Focusing on the adjectives related to '안타깝다'

김일환, 이승연

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The following research selected five adjectives of 가엾 다, 딱하다, 불쌍하다, 안쓰럽다, 안타깝다 among 안타깝다-type adjectives of emotion using thesaurus and frequency in order to examine the relations of their co-occurrence nouns by constructing a network of their relations. The target words that were extracted based on the corpus and the degree of relevance of the co-occurrence words were measured by t-score, through which any coincidental results in the relations between the adjectives of emotion and the co-occurrence nouns were excluded. Furthermore, the degree of similarity of the adjectives of emotion was also measured by dividing the relations of the network between the adjectives of emotion and the co-occurrence nouns into the top counts of 10, 30 and 50. As a result, the more co-occurrence words were shared, the higher the degree of similarity was, as consequently, the less co-occurrence words were shared, the lower the degree of similarity was. Concurrently, similarities were discovered in that the adjectives 가엾다, 불쌍하다, 안쓰럽다 primarily co-occurred with nouns related to family such as 'father, mother, husband, wife, younger sibling' while the adjectives 딱하다, 안타깝다 co-occurred with nouns such as 'story, news, circumstance, reality'. This research further examined the aspects and the similarities on how these five adjectives of emotion were used in Korean language textbooks. Given the fact that Korean language textbooks target foreigners, the usage of typical co-occurrence words was expected. However through the research, it was verified that there was a considerable difference in the co-occurrence words from the words that were present on newspapers. One of the reasons for the difference can be related to the fact that we used the corpus from newspaper articles.


 1. 서론
 2. 유의어, 공기어 그리고 네트워크(network)
 3. 공기어 네트워크의 구성과 특성
 4. 한국어 교재에서의 공기 관계
 5. 결론


  • 김일환 Ilhwan Kim. 고려대 민족문화연구원
  • 이승연 Lee, Seungyeon. 세종대학교 국어국문학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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