

「-的」の連用修飾用法 ―「比較的」の語幹連用用法(「-的+φ+ 被修飾語」形式)を中心に


Japanese adverbial usage of “-的(-teki)”― Focusing on an adverbial form(-的+φ+modificand) of “比較的 Hikaku-teki”―

「-적」の련용수식용법 ―「비교적」の어간련용용법(「-적+φ+ 피수식어」형식)を중심に


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



“-的(-teki)”has often been called as an adjective verb in many theses and dictionaries until this time, but it has a unique form of adverbial usage(“-teki+φ +modificand”, “stem form of adverbial usage”) as an adjective verb; an adjective verb usually does not have that form. To find the basis of this difference between “-的(-teki)” and an adjective verb, I inquired into certain words which have the stem form of adverbial usage(“-teki+φ +modificand”) by considering them in connection with their transition in Meiji and Modern Japanese. The results of this analysis are as follows: There is a certain inclining to or a restriction on syntactic usage of “-的 (-teki)”, which is caused by the meaning of its stem. And this inclining or restriction causes the stem form of adverbial usage(“-teki+φ +modificand”). For example, a restriction on syntactic usage of “比較的 Hikaku-teki” is caused by its meaning of stem, “比較Hikaku”, and this restriction consequently leads to its deriving of the stem form of adverbial usage(“-teki+φ+modificand”,e.g.税金が比較的高い). Moreover, there are significant differences in the modificand of word class between above such “比較的Hikaku-teki” which has the stem form of adverbial usage and the other “-的(-teki)” which do not have the stem form of adverbial usage; the former prefers an adjective or an adjective verb to a verb as a modificand, but the latter is quite the reverse. And the former cannot be directly used as a predicate but the latter can be. Finally, if both of them are classified according to nature as an adverb, the former can be classified as a “sentence adverb” but the latter can be classified as a “state adverb.


  5.1 「-的」の連用用法の成立
  5.2 語幹連用用法を有する語群―“比較的”とのVSその他の「-的」
  6.1 “比較的”における語基の意味とその用法
  6.2 副詞としての“比較的”
  6.3 “比較的”における語幹連用用法の発生


  • 金曘泳 김유영. 오사카 대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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