

프랑스 필리프 5세 통치 시기 정치적 문제들과 왕권의 대응


Political problems and royal measures under the reign of Philip V the Long in Medieval France


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The reign of Philip V the Long(1316-1322) is marked by enfeeblement of the kingship and challenges of the members of the political society, produced under the influence of the ‘ligues nobiliaires’ who have contested the concentrated kingship of Philip IV the Fair in 1314-1315. But his accession to the throne accompanied by his violent political act, a near-coup d’Etat and unjust exclusion of the daughter of Louis X, his elder brother, from the royal succession, weakened more critically his authority. He could receive neither financial aids nor councils of peers and strong nobles of the kingdom. In addition, he had to war against two rebels, of the Flanders and the Artois. This situation make him communicate with the members of the political society. In the purpose for this political communication, id. in order to persuade them of his authority, he organized ceaselessly and ardently 28 regional and general assemblies. In this communication, it is important to focus on the role of the religious authority. The University of Paris legitimate the succession of Philip V with the sanctification of the capetian dynasty continued only by the male blood and the Papacy did not cease to address letters to grand nobles in order to appeal to assist the kingship. Moreover, the pope John XXII was unstinting in his political and financial supports on Philip V, who have supported himself to be a pope at the conclave in 1316. In fact, the pope’s conduct is not that of theocracy but that of pastorship: he is not dominator of the secular power but its mentor or supporter in the domain of political ethics. In this way the religious authority intervene in political affairs after the lost of the universal domination with the death of Boniface VIII. Especially, it make the royal government be effective by imposing the religious authority under the mask of the royal sovereignty. A rupture of royal power or an articulation between the sovereignty and the governmentality cannot preserve their connection without the intervention and the functionality of the religious authority at the moment of the birth of the modern state in the Late Middle Ages.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 필리프 5세 시기의 정치적 문제들과 유례없는 조치들
  1. 필리프 5세의 정치적 문제들
  2. 필리프 5세의 대응조치들
 Ⅲ. 종교 당국의 개입
  1. 파리 대학의 이론적 정당화 작업: 남성남계의 왕위계승
  2. 왕권을 돌보는 교황의 사목적 역할
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 홍용진 Yong-Jin HONG. Korea University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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