

중세교회 파문의식의 역사와 파문장(1)


The History of Ritual Excommunication and Excommunication Formulae (1)


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The ritual of excommunication by which excommunication was to be promulgated in the form of regular procedure appeared at least after the ninth century. From this time the ritual excommunication was performed as a sort of liturgy in the pontifical. The ritual excommunications were composed in different types and contents according to times and regions, in which they were used. Although most of excommunication formulae had the contents of the supernatural authority, separation and prohibition punishment, and malediction in common, they showed different language, key point, and length of sentences. From the late ninth to tenth centuries occasional excommunication formulae were written. Most representative among them was that from Reims diocese. As an early form of excommunication formula, occasional excommunication imposed anathema on the excluded in terms of eternal perish and malediction. In the similar age as the occasional formulae, newly appeared Pontificale Romano-Germanicum(PRG) formulae circulated actively in Holy Roman Empire and sparsely in Italy. This PRG composed of five kinds of formulae was inserted in pontifical which was used by bishop for liturgies. Bishops chose one of them for the pronounce of excommunication in accordance to the forms of crime. When abbot Regino of Purüm composed canon law in 900 to 906, he collected six PRG formulae in his collection. They were collected in Decretum Libri Viginti composed by Burchard of Worms, and Panormia composed by Ivo of Chartres in the eleventh century. Gratian collected two formulae among them in his Decretum of 1140. Through the collection in the canon law, excommunication formulae attracted the concern of canonists, and were intensively debated by them.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 10세기 이전의 파문 형식
 Ⅲ. 비정규적 파문장
 Ⅳ. 주교전례서 파문장
  (1) 레지노 교령집 412-413조의 파문장
  (2) 레지노 법령집 414조와 415조 파문장
  (3) 레지노 416조와 417조 파문장
 Ⅴ. 맺는 말


  • 장준철 Chun-Chul CHANG. Wonkwang University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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