


1542년 페르디난트 1세의 오스만튀르크 전략수정 -수세에서 공세로


Ferdinand I's Strategic Revision towards the Ottoman Empire after 1542: from Military Offensive onto the Defensive


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper illustrates how Ferdinand I defended Habsburg Monarchy against the Ottoman Empire after his expedition to Buda failed in 1542. Due to the lack of influential force and the need for secured safety in Habsburg, Ferdinand I had no alternative but to set up diplomatic ties with Turk and establish a line of defense. The main thrust of this paper is to determine the ultimate purpose of his defense strategy. After Buda fell into Turkish territory, not only Hungary itself but also the entire Habsburg Monarchy was laid under the Turkish Menace. In this status the Habsburg Erblands, situated in the central Europe, has to be tasked with defending the Monarchy. Accordingly, Ferdinand I decided to shield the central European nations including Austria, Bohemia, and Hungary against Turk. The nations established strategic partnership one another, standing up against the Turkish Menace. After all, it was a effective excuse to draw up a new border among those nations for the defensive purpose. There was a urgent need for centralized administration in order to structure defense network throughout the whole region, which also required participation of the ruling class as well as the congress from each nation. After Ferdinand I was crowned in 1558, the Habsburg Monarchy came into existence along the Donau, composed of diverse ethnic groups. Hungary played a vital role in shielding this Monarchy and acted as a bulwark against Turk, thanks to which the Habsburg Monarchy was capable of protecting itself from large scale attacks of the Turks.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 1542년 원정실패와 새로운 대응전략
  1. 1542년 부다 원정: 오스만튀르크에 대한 전략의 전환점
  2. 국경방어선 구축사업과 중앙군사위원회 설치
 Ⅲ. 외교를 통한 방어전략
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 김동원 Dong-Won KIM. Busan University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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