

Session 1

몽골의 직접투자현황과 한ㆍ몽 투자협력의 특징




Given the rapid growth of foreign direct investment in Mongolia, this subject is a central concern of Mongolian government policymakers and foreign invested companies. This study explores the determinants of foreign direct investment inflows into Mongolia by country using data of 35 countries from 1990 to 2009 by pooled OLS and random effects estimations. Evidence from the past twenty years shows that main significantly positive influences are the market size of host & source country, exchange rate and “mining” dummy. “Border” dummy has significantly positive by OLS but insignificantly by random effects regression. Additionally the wage rate ratio of Mongolia to source country has estimated positively related to FDI inflows against the expected hypothesis. It has deciphered by two reasons. At first, the higher wages paid by the foreign firms may also results in the higher wages in the domestic firms. Second, the economic growth provides both FDI improvement and higher wage level. Significantly negative influences include distance from Mongolia to source country and lending rate of source country. But the Mongolian corporate tax rate has resulted insignificantly negative. It has deduced by two basic arguments. First, the Mongolian corporate tax rate was less than that of top investor countries from 1990 to 2010. And secondly, industries and companies, which active in territory of Mongolia, could enjoy some tax discounts and exemptions according to the Mongolian laws.


 I. 몽골의 직접투자현황
 II. 한국의 몽골에 대한 투자현황
 III. 외국인 투자의 실증분석
 IV. 맺음말


  • 뭉흐체체그 MUNKHTSETSEG. 조교수, 몽골금융경제대학
  • 심의섭 SHIM Ui Sup. 명예교수, 몽골국립대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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