

Session 4 - 스마트안전경영(Ⅱ), 좌장 : 표범주 (한국교통대학교)

일반철도 고속화 구간에서 차축온도검지장치 활용방안에 대한 연구


Study on the Utilization of HBD in the Conventional Speed-up Lines

최권희, 김유호, 백승문, 빙군섭

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



HBD(Hot Box Detector) is a device to monitor temperature rises to inappropriate lubricant use or mechanical defects. If a train operates without recognizing such an effect, it might result in bearing overheating due to defects and cause a dangerous situation that it could derail a train owing to the damage of axles. Now for the Gyeongbu HSL at 300km/h, the laws related to monitoring overheated axle bearings are notified in the Railway Safety Law and the Railway Construction Law. But in case of the conventional speed-up lines that a train operates at 180 to 230 km/h, the revised bill of relevant standards is ongoing. Therefore in this paper we present references and reviews investigated in order to use the optimal HBD in the conventional speed-up lines.


 1. 서론
 2. 본론
  2.1 차축온도검지장치의 필요성
  2.2 차축온도검지장치 기술개발 현황
  2.3 경부고속선 차축온도검지장치 운영현황
  2.4 일반철도 고속화 구간에서 차축온도검지장치 활용방안
 3. 결론
 4. 참고문헌


  • 최권희 ㈜에이알텍, 대표이사/기술사
  • 김유호 ㈜에이알텍, 대표이사/기술사
  • 백승문 ㈜에이알텍 기술연구소
  • 빙군섭 한국철도시설공단 기술본부 신호제어처, 차장


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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