

홍콩의 도시재생을 위한 공공의 역할 및 재정지원제도 연구


A Study on the Government‘s Roles and Grant Programs for Urban Regeneration in Hongkong

유해연, 이영은, 김성완

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Hong Kong Government established the role of public sector as the social and economic level has changed regarding to the development of city regeneration strategies. Throughout the creation of new performing organizations, it facilitated various subsidies and its related policies while the residents and regional characteristics are highly considered. As this importance of integrative regeneration policies is becoming the main issue of society, however, the central government still finds difficulties in getting solutions to overcome the lack of specific funding policies and supportive authorities. Therefore, this research reveals to define domestic implications by reviewing the Government's Roles and the Grant Programs of Urban Regeneration policies in Hong Kong. As the result of the analysis, firstly, the Hong Kong government established URA under the urban regeneration agency of the central government. The expansion of its organization for effective practices can be implied into current domestic position but it is important to acquire positive advantages of existing institutions which aims to inform current services or further developments of policies. Secondly, by taking the consideration of residents and local characteristics into serious account, the government's sustainable regeneration will be in progress. Thirdly, they need the Government's supporting system to encourage residents' participation and the role and responsibilities of the Government to Compensation and Immigration. Lastly, The organizations need to diverge from the limited guidelines and create new perspectives towards Urban Regeneration policies which claim the importance of integration between businesses, substantial strategies and nature of the systems.


 1. 서론
  1.1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2. 연구의 내용 및 방법
 2. 선행연구 고찰
 3. 홍콩의 도시재생 정책의 추진배경 및 패러다임의 변화
  3.1. 도시재생 정책의 추진배경
  3.2. 도시재생 전략 및 정책 변화
  3.3. 도시재생 관련 제도 및 계획
 4. 홍콩의 도시재생 추진주체 및 지원체계
  4.1. 도시재생 추진주체
  4.2. 도시재생 재정지원 체계
 5. ‘개량(Rehabilitation)’을 위한 공공의 지원
  5.1. ‘개량(Rehabilitation)’의 특성
  5.2. ‘개량(Rehabilitation)’을 위한 공공의 재정지원 및 역할
 6. 결론


  • 유해연 Yoo, Hae-Yeon. 도시재생사업단 선임연구원, 공학박사
  • 이영은 Lee, Young-En. 도시재생사업단 총괄과제팀장, 공학박사
  • 김성완 Kim, Sung-Wan. 도시재생사업단 사업단장, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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