

전문가 설문조사를 통한 탄소중립도시 조성 단계별 이해관계자 역할 설정 - 충북 혁신도시를 중심으로 -


Role Allotment of Stakeholders According to Carbon Neutral City of Development Stages Using Expert Survey Method - Focused on Regional Innovation City of Chungbuk -

반영운, 백종인, 최나래, 김유미, 우혜미

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study has intended to allot roles of stakeholders in accordance with development phases of a carbon-neutral innovation city, being constructed in Chungbuk-do. To reach this goal, this study has been composed of three steps. First, this study has described the development phases of carbon-neutral new city, set stakeholders of urban governance, and major governance activities according to development phases. Second, this study has performed a survey targeting twenty one professionals related to the topic based on several premises already set. Third, this study has employed an AHP (Analytical Hierarchic Process) to draw relative importance of stakeholders participants and to set priorities of roles of stakeholders by development phases. Based on the analysis, this study has shown the following results. First, the highest relative weights have been assigned to the public participants, especially central government. Second, as for roles of public participants, both central and metropolitan governments provide administrative and financial supports for participants, Third, companies to move-in draw up guidelines in planning phase, apply carbon-neutral techniques to their buildings in project promotion phase, and make operations and management policies in operations and management phase. Fourth, residents to move-in promote awareness of carbon neutrality in planning phase, monitor the promotion process in project promotion phase and the operations and management policies in operations and management phase. Finally, academias and experts advise techniques both in planning and project promotion phases and provide administrative and financial supports in operations and management phase.


 1. 서론
  1.1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
  1.2. 연구의 흐름
 2. 이론적 고찰
  2.1. 탄소중립도시의 개념
  2.2. 거버넌스의 개념
 3. 분석 방법
 4. 분석 결과
  4.1. 탄소중립도시 이해관계자 선정 및 조성단계별 참여 중요도
  4.2. 탄소중립도시 조성단계별 이해관계자 역할 우선순위
  4.3. 종합평가
 5. 결론 및 시사점


  • 반영운 Ban, Yong-Un. 충북대학교 도시공학과 부교수
  • 백종인 Baek, Jong-In. 충북대학교 환경․도시공학과 박사수료
  • 최나래 Choi, Na-Rae. 충북대학교 환경․도시공학과 박사수료
  • 김유미 Kim, Yu-Mi. 충북대학교 환경․도시공학과 석사과정
  • 우혜미 Woo, Hye-Mi. 충북대학교 환경․도시공학과 석사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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