A Study on the Legal System of Small Garden from the viewpoint of Urban Regeneration
Small gardens in the urban areas are a sort of open spaces, where all people are able to experience the natural circumstance and cultivate flowers, fruits and vegetables even in a little amount. But in Korea the small gardens within urban areas aren't secured legislatively. Accordingly, it is urgent to find out institutional device to secure legal cultivation of flowers, fruits and vegetables in urban areas, especially for those who manage small gardens self-sufficiently. In this context, it is examined the function of small gardens and then searched the lessons of german legislative device, 'Bundeskleingartengesetz', how the small garden is created. managed and preserved in relation to the land use plan. For the application in Korea, a field survey was carried out with a method of resident's interview to ask the garden use behavior and satisfaction. In this process, it was confirmed the user knowledge and experience of small gardens and the residents' participation. Finally, based on the results of these data, it is discussed about the social effect from the view of urban regeneration and suggested some legislative principles and devices.
1. 서론
1.1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2. 선행연구
1.3. 연구의 범위 및 방법
2. 독일의 텃밭, ‘클라인가르텐(Kleingarten)’ 고찰
2.1. 클라인가르텐의 정의와 법적 규정
2.2. 도르트문트 시의 텃밭공원 이용과 특성
3. 전주시 도시근린공원과 텃밭 조사․분석
3.1. 대상지의 선정 및 조사․분석
3.2. 전주시 텃밭 이용객의 실태분석
4. 텃밭공원의 조성을 위한 대안적 접근
4.1. 도시재생 차원의 고려
4.2. 법적 제도의 도입방안
5. 결론