

기초생활권계획 수립상의 문제점과 개선방안 - 전략계획의 관점에서 -


A Discussion on the Problems and Proposals of County Development Planning Process


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to analyze the problems and the desirable proposals of county(local government) development planning process in terms of the characteristics of strategic planning. This study shows the following suggestions for the county development process. First, top leader of county should have active interest on development planning process and become the strategic leader. Second, top leader or key decision maker should expand the participation of task force team, stakeholder and committee. Third, more objective environmental scanning is needed. Planning team should assess the changes of external and internal conditions with SWOT. It also need to make the task force team or special team identify the problems and solutions of county region. Fourth, top leader should propose the successful vision to induce the support of residents. Fifth, selecting of agreeable strategic issues is required. Planning team especially needs to have a leading role in selecting issues which is clear, critical and consentient. Sixth, a critical, few and suitable strategies should be formulated by planning team. Last, effective implementation is needed. Action plans are needed to be established in detail. Project and budget should be connected. Local governance or partnership are also required for the implementation of plans. Particularly, top leader or planning team should be careful the plan or projects not to be the paper plan.


 1. 서론
 2. 기초생활권계획에 대한 이론적 고찰
  2.1. 기초생활권의 성격
  2.2. 기초생활권계획의 필요성
  2.3. 기초생활권계획의 비전과 추진전략
  2.4. 기초생활권계획의 주요 내용
  2.5. 기초생활권계획의 집행 지향성
  2.6. 기초생활권계획의 주요 특성
 3. 기초생활권 계획수립상의 문제점
  3.1. 시장․군수의 관심
  3.2. 전담 TF팀 구성의 운영과 이해관계자의 참여정도
  3.3. 주민수요조사, 내실화 자체교육 실적
  3.4. SWOT분석과 연관된 계획과제 도출
  3.5. 관련계획과의 연계정도
  3.6. 비전, 목표의 적절성(내용의 충실성)
  3.7. 조사결과 주민의견을 반영하기 위한 노력도(주민의견 수립 및 반영도)
  3.8. 이슈의 선정(기본적 정책문제)
  3.9. 전략의 선정
  3.10. 목표 및 전략의 논리성 정도(내용의 충실도)
  3.11. 재원조달의 실현가능성 정도(실효성 및 기대효과)
  3.12. 사업선정의 지역특성 반영도(내용의 충실성)
 4. 기초생활권계획 수립상의 개선방안
  4.2. 참여의 확대
  4.3. 객관적인 환경의 탐색
  4.4. 성공의 비전의 제시
  4.5. 전략적 이슈의 선정
  4.6. 전략의 선정
  4.7. 효율적 집행
  4.8. 기타
 5. 결론


  • 안태환 Ahn, Tae-Hwan. 복학회 이사, 대구대학교 도시ㆍ지역계획학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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