

대규모 개발사업에서의 기대가치와 토지가격변화 - 참여정부의 행정중심복합도시ㆍ혁신도시ㆍ기업도시 개발사업을 중심으로-


Empirical study on land price increase through the increase of expectation value in the development process of Administration city, Innovation cities and Enterprise cities

강호제, 전명진

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Land price is heavily dependent on human settlement system. Various causes that are having effect on human settlement system are, thus, strongly related to land price changes. Korean government set forth the ambitious balanced regioinal development projects, such as the development of innovation cities, enterprise cities and administration city, to decentralize population and economic activities that are spatially concentrated around Seoul metropolitan area to other regions. However, such development projects have triggered the fierce arguments whether the projects causes the unrational land price increase and leads to the bubble of land market, since land price is effected by not only the current human settlements environment, but also future expectation value that is not realized yet. One asserts that sky rocketting land price increase is due to the expectation value that is created during the development process of balanced regional development projects and, therefore, it is bubble that will burst. The purpose of the study is to figure out whether there was a siginificant land price increase in the designated area of such development projects. The study shows the land price increase due to the expectation value was significant only for the administration city development.


 1. 들어가며
 2. 선행연구 검토
 3. 혁신․기업․행정중심복합도시 대상지역의 지가상승과 가설의 설정
 4. 분석모형의 설정과 분석결과
 5. 결론 및 정책적 시사


  • 강호제 Kang, Ho-Je. 국토연구원 책임연구원
  • 전명진 Jun, Myung-Jin. 중앙대학교 도시 및 지역계획학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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