Analysis on the Local Cities Using Multiple Decline Index
This study deals with the analysis of local cities using multiple decline index in Korea. The goals are to model the dispersion and crater phenomena using the various social, economic and cultural data, and to find the relation between the dispersion and crater models using the cross tabulation analysis, In pursuing the above, this study gives the particular attention to finding the decline patterns of local cities. The main results analyzed are the followings. First, by the dispersion indices of multiple deprivation, 49 cities were classified into 4 groups, which are the decreasing, decreasing after increasing, wholly decreasing and the other pattern over time. Second, by the crater indices of multiple deprivation, 4 groups which were cratered, being cratered, wholly cratered and the other pattern over time were analyzed. Third, the relation between two indices were evaluated to have linear pattern. It is expected that this results can be used as a basic index for developing the urban regeneration strategies of local cities.
1. 서론
2. 이론적 고찰
2.1 선행연구고찰
2.2 기존 연구와의 차별성
3. 평가지표외 선정 및 복합쇠퇴지수 산출
3.1 핑가지표의 선정
3.2 행정동별 복합쇠퇴지수의 산출
4. 쇠퇴유형 분석
4.1 분산지표
4.2 공동화지표
4.3 분산과 공동화 지표의 관계분석
5. 결론