A Research on the Determinant Factors of Decision Making on Newtown Project for Shopkeepers in Osan
The purpose of this paper is to research into a matter of pros and cons of shop owners and tenants about Newtown Project as well as their opinions on resettlement. Through the understanding of mechanism for this decision making, we can explore ways toward the solution for disagreements about Newtown Project. This research executed a survey of shopkeepers to make an expected variables which could influence on the decision making. We analyze the logistic regression model through the investigation of multicollinearity. As a result, the price, the income, the parking lot and the restroom etc appeared as influencing factors on the pro shop owner's decision making. The close-together between related businesses, parking lot and the restroom were the influencing factor for the pro tenants. On the other hand, the age and the business period were the influencing factors for the con owners. The premium for monthly rental & the business period were also the influencing factors for the con tenants. Other influencing factors were as follows: the debts for the owners hoping for resettlement, the property for the tenants hoping for resettlement. There was no influencing factor for the owners not hoping for resettlement and the business period was appeared as an influencing factor for the tenants not hoping for resettlement.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 목적
1.2 연구의 방법 및 범위
2. 선행연구 검토
2.1 선행연구의 분석
2 .2 선행 연구와의 차이점
3. 분석의 틀 및 분석 방법
3.1 변수 및 분석틀 설정
3.2 분석방법
4. 실증분석
4.1 기슬통계
4.2 모형검증
4.3 분석결과
5. 결론 및 시사점