

우리나라 농촌토지이용계획체계의 합리적 조정방안


Study on Reorganization of a New Rural Land Use Management System in Korea


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to suggest a new rural land use management system (RLUMS) for Korea. The existing RLUMS is implemented by two different approaches. One is managed by Act of Planning and Utilization of the National Territory that is run by Ministry of Land, Transportation and Maritime Affairs. The other is managed by RLUMS-related laws implemented by the various Ministries. But, The existing RLUMS has shortage of considerations enough of rural areas where include many other non-agricultural resources and agricultural ones as well. And, there are still lacks of linkage between the two approaches. The existing RLUMS has limits in boosting the non-agri rural resources of specific rural areas. The prevailing rural development policies, so called Place-Based Approach, need to be re-organized toward a new RLUMS. First, It needs to be integrated and reformed as a comprehensive land use management system dedicated particularly to rural areas. Second, It also needs to be vertically and horizontally linked to the nationwide Planning & Utilization Act.


 1. 서론
  1.1 문제제기와 연구목적
  1.2 선행연구검토
  1.3 연구범위와 방법
 2. 농촌토지이용계획체계의 현황
  2.1 농촌토지이용계획제도의 분류
  2.2 국토계획법에 의한 농촌토지이용계획
  2.3 개별법에 의한 농촌토지이용계획
 3. 농촌토지이용계획체계와 제도의 한계
  3.1 국토계획법과 개별별 간의 농촌토지이용계획에 대한 역할분담의 문제
  3.2 국토계획법 및 개별법에 있어서 농촌토지이용계획제도의 한계
 4. 농촌토지이용계획체계의 조정방안
  4.1 농촌토지이용계획체계의 개선방향
  4.2 농촌토지이용계획의 체계화방안
 5. 결론


  • 윤원근 Yoon. Won-Keun. 협성대학교 도시지역학부 교수 단독저자


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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