

Analysis of Sexed Sperm by Flow Cytometry in Hanwoo (Korean Native Cattle)



This study evaluated a sexed sperm ability to produce embryos by flow cytometer. Hanwoo bulls sperm were separated to X and Y sperm via Hoechst 33342 stained with near UV laser or performed the pre-sorted without near UV laser beam in flow cytometry. Pre-sorted sperm had significantly higher viability (84±1.15 %, p<0.05) compared to other sorted groups in frozen-thawed semen. For fresh semen, pre-sorted sperm had the higher viability (79±3 %, p<0.05) than those of the X and Y sperm (44.7±1.67 and 41.7±1.2 %) separated by differences of DNA content. On the other hand, pre-sorted and X sperm sorted according to differences in DNA content had significantly higher viabilities (24.3±1.2 and 25.7±0.9 %, p<0.05) compared to that of the sorted Y sperm (13.7±1.2 %) in the hypoosmotic swelling test. The proportion acrosome reaction in the sorted X sperm was higher (55.0±1.7 and 45.0±1.5 %) than those of the sorted Y-sperm (32.3±0.9 %, p<0.05). However, the sperm morphologies of the sorted groups were not significantly differences. In conclusion, the sex-sorting procedure by flow cytometry affected some characteristics of Hanwoo sperm. Further study is needed to determine the optimal procedures to enhance male and female embryos and sorting accuracy.


  Preparation of Sheath Fluid Buffer
  Cryopreservation and Thawing of Sperm
  Sperm Pretreatment
  Hoechst 33342 Staining
  Sex-Sorting of Sperm
  Sperm Analysis
  Statistical Analysis


  • Han-Jun Yoo Developmental Biotechnology Laboratory, Myung-poom Hanwoo Consulting, Hoengseong 225-807, Korea
  • Kyung-Jin Lee College of Animal Life Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 200-701, Korea
  • Yong-Seung Lee College of Animal Life Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 200-701, Korea
  • Pil-Sang Yoon Developmental Biotechnology Laboratory, Myung-poom Hanwoo Consulting, Hoengseong 225-807, Korea
  • Joung-Jun Park Developmental Biotechnology Laboratory, Myung-poom Hanwoo Consulting, Hoengseong 225-807, Korea
  • Hyeong-Cheol Kim Hanwoo Experiment Station, National Livestock Research Institute, Pyeongchang 232-952, Korea
  • Choon-Keun Park College of Animal Life Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 200-701, Korea


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