

대안적 지역발전 모델에 관한 연구 - 전남 장흥군의 슬로시티(Cittaslow) 지정지역을 중심으로 -


A Study on the Model of Alternative Regional Develpoment: Focusing on the Slow City(Cittaslow) in Jangheung Country


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is to explain the possibility and the limitation of Slow City (Cittaslow) in Jangheung Country(JeollaNamdo Province). My theoretical resources for the case study is Fast society theory and Alternative regional development theory. This research present environmental policy, slow food, landscape management, local-rooted economic structure as a successful conditions of Slow City. Slow City developed in response to the homogenizing forces of globalizaiton. Slow City seeks to implement and nurture environmental, socially and economically sustainable practices promoting local distinctiveness, characteristics and tradition. As a research results, the successful possibility of Jangheung Country as Slow City appears relatively highly. But, limited factors of Slow City as change of leadership, lack of institutional and financial resources, crack of community inside, population decrease and aged population increase were discovered from research result. Consequently, to success the Slow City project must develop to type of Jangheung as Slow City model.


 1. 서론
 2. 이론적 자원 및 분석틀
  2.1 이론적 자원 속도사회론과 대안적 지역발전론
  2.2 대안적 지역발전모델로서 슬로시티
  2.3 분석틀의 구성
 3. 전남 장흥군의 슬로시티(Cittaslow) 지정지역 사례분석
  3.1 추진요인
  3.2 환경정책
  3.3 슬로푸드(Slow Food)
  3.4 경관관리
  3.5 지역의존적 경제구조
 4. 전망과 과제


  • 백두주 Baek, Doo-Joo. 부산대학교 사회학과 연구교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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