

통근통행을 고려한 수도권의 지역간 상호작용 변화에 관한 연구


Regional Interaction and the Dynamics of Commuting in the Seoul Metropolitan Area - 1995-2005

마강래, 강은택

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It has generally been considered that the level of regional interaction can be measured by the number of commuters who regularly travel between home and work place. The origin-destination matrix has a very useful information about the regional interaction in terms of the supply and demand for labor.The purpose of this paper is to develope the interesting idea that the logic used in the input-output analysis can be applied to the origin-destination matrix to examine the regional spatial interactions in a relatively large region. Where workers live and work can be categorized in the origin-destination matrix that can then be linked to an input output matrix that contains the information on inter-regional flows. This method is used to identify the linkages or interrelation between the regions, in terms of regional labour market area, and thus can be useful in developing better labour market forecasts.The empirical analysis has been applied to the Seoul Metropolitan area to show the changes of the regional interaction over the last ten years. The use of three time periods (1995, 2000, and 2005) makes us possible to analyse the change of commuting areas and to visualize them.


 1. 서론
 2. 선행연구의 고찰 및 연구방법
 3. 지역간 상호작용 분석을 위한 모델
  3.1 지역간 직 • 간접 상호작용 모델
  3.2 직 · 간접효과의 맥락적 해석
 4. 수도권 통근통행패턴 분석
  4.1 서울대도시권 통근 통행
  4.2 분석방법
  4 .3 직접효과분석을 통한 통근패턴 변화분석
  4.4 직 · 간접효과분석을 통한 통근패턴 변화분석
 5. 결론


  • 마강래 Ma, Kang-Rae. 중앙대학교 도시 및 지 역계획학과 조교수
  • 강은택 Kang, Eun-Taek. 중앙대학교 도시 및 지역 계획학과 박사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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