

한국의 경제성장과 지역소득격차 간 인과관계 분석


A Causality Analysis of Economic Growth and Regional Income Disparity in Korea

허문구, 안기돈

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper analyzed the tendencies of regional income disparities as well as their relationship with economic growth. This study found evidence of convergence of regional incomes for the sample period 1965 to 1990 while regional incomes diverged for the sample period 1991 to 2005. The Granger causality test showed one-directional causality from the economic growth to the regional income disparities for the whole sample period 1965 to 2005. It was also found that the economic growth caused the convergence of regional incomes while regional income differential did not influence the economic growth. However, there was no evidence of causality between the economic growth and regional income disparities for the sample period 1991 to 2005. It was concluded that the knowledge-intensive economic activities partly explain the recent renewed tendency of the regional incomes to diverge.


Abstract :
 1. 서론
 2. 경제성장과 지역간 격차 추이분석
  2.1 소득불평등 척도의 이론적 고찰
  2.2 국가간 소득격차 추이분석
  2.3 무리나라의 지역간 격차 추이
 3. 그랜저 인과성 검정 (Granger Causality Test)
  3.1 모형 및 데이터
  3.2 검증 결과
 4. 결론 및 정책적 시사접


  • 허문구 Huh, Mun-Gu. 산업연구원 (KIET) 국가균형발전연구센터 부연구위원
  • 안기돈 An, Gi-Don. 산업연구원 (KIET) 국가균형발전 연구센터 부연구위원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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