The Comparative Analysis for Estimating the Determinants based on Price of Redeveloping Apartments in Gangnam-gu regions- A Panel Data Model Approach -
In this study, fixed effect model in the one-way error component regression model has been determined. Analyzing price of apartment of reconstruction of Gangnam-gu and Secho-gu in Seoul, over a 60 period point(2002. 7.29-2007. 6.29).Case of Gangnam-gu region, this study provides empirical evidences of significance positive relationships between the price of redeveloping apartments, a numerical index of apartment price, a numerical index of deposit money for the lease of a house and approval project. The number of pyeong, the unemployment rate and consumer price index, foundation of an association, disposition of management.Case of Secho-gu region, this study provides empirical evidences of significance positive relationships between the price of redeveloping apartments, the number of pyeong, a numerical index of apartment price, a numerical index of deposit money for the lease of a house, foundation of an association, approval project, disposition of management. However, this study provides empirical evidences of significance negative relationships between a rate of interest, a numerical index of house price. The unemployment rate and consumer price index using independent variables are non- significance variables. Implication of these findings are discussed for content research and practices
1. 서론
1.1 연구 배경 및 목적
1.2 선행 연구
2. 모형 및 자료
2.1 분석 모형
2.2 연구모형과 변수
2.3 자료
3. 강남구와 서초구 비교분석
3.1 강남구와 서초구 재건축 아파트 가격 결정 요인 비교분석
3.2 강남구와 서초구 재건축아파트 특성효과 비교분석
3.3 모형별 차이검증 및 우수성 평가
4. 결론 및 한계