Analysis on the Quality of Public Transportation Service Affecting the Overall Level of Satisfaction- focused on Dae-Jeon Metropolitan Bus Service -
The purpose of this study is to find out important service factors affecting the overall level of satisfaction. Through this study, it is possible to show what is important for service satisfaction and what we have to do to improve it. For doing this, this study use a survey questionnaire to determine and evaluate the service quality and overall level of satisfaction. The target of the survey is the Dae-Jeon metropolitan bus service.The result of this study is this: First, the important quality factors of public bus service are analyzed by five factors - Empathy, Reliability, Accessibility, Efficiency and Tangibles. Second, through the multi regression analysis, it is found that all five factors are affecting the overall level of satisfaction. In particular an Empathy is the most important factor for it and then Accessibility, Reliability, Tangibles and Efficiency in turns. On the basis of this, this study may show what is the key factors for determining the public bus service quality. Therefore this study will help to improve the overall level of satisfaction in Dae-Jeon public transportation through taking account of service quality.
1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
2.1 대중교통 서비스 질의 측정항목 및 세부 지표 도출
2.2 대중교통 서비스 종합만족도의 측정항목
2.3 분석모형
3. 대전광역시 시내버스 서비스3) 질과 종합만족도 분석
3.1 자료수집과 표본의 특성
3.2 시내버스 서비스 질 분석
3.3 시내버스 서비스 종합만족도 분석
4. 대중교통서비스 질이 종합만족도메 미치는 영향요인 분석
4.1 시내버스 서비스 질이 종합만족도에 미치는 영향
4.2 분석의 요약 및 정책적 함의
5. 결론