Activity Sequence and Similarity of Travel Behavior
Classification of individuals with homogeneous travel behavior into group has been an significant issue to travel behavior for a long time. Travel behavior analysis is performed by travel similarity based on interpersonal variability and intrapersonal variability. However, in spite of significance of intrapersonal variability, only interpersonal variability has been applied for travel behavior analysis. That reason is that there is one day travel data and for lack of analysis tools. The researches so far have considered that individual travel behavior is composed of such independent activities and disregarded the sequence and duration of activities. The paper analyzes the similarity of travel pattern including intrapersonal variability based on activity, travel mode, travel starting time, and companions. The study estimates intrapersonal variability through four dimensional sequence analysis method of DANA攀 네덜란드 아이호벤대학 Urban Planning Group에서 제공 하였음攀攀, and then intrapersonal variability and trip frequence are used to classify individuals into groups by Cluster Analysis. Finally, 3-Stage Least Square Estimation is applied to estimate the sensitivity on clusters according to the change of travel behavior and socio-economic characteristics of individuals.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 문헌고찰
2. 연구의 방법론
2.1 연구의 개념
2.2 서열정렬법(Sequence Alignment Method: SAM)
3. 통행행태 유사성 분석
3.1 4차원 활동행태의 구성
3.2 개인내 가변성분석
3.3 통행행태에 대한 군집분석
4. 결론