

협력적 계획 : 신도시 계획의 새로운 접근방식 - ‘시화지역 지속가능발전협의회’ 사례를 통한 경험적 연구


New town planning through collaborative planning model- An empirical study of Si-hwa new town development -

이경환, 홍성조, 안건혁

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Today, the non-governmental organizations and other private actors are showing greater concerns and in fact hold high stakes in the new town planning process. Therefore, the planning processes have become more complex in that administration and planners can no longer treat the planning of new town development in a one-sided way, and so new planning models are required. This research intends to find out a theoretical base for a planning process from collaborative planning theory and evaluates the planning process of Si hwa new town development where 'the sustainable development conference' was introduced. The distinct difference between Si hwa new town planning model and the existing new town planning model is that there are new stakeholders such as environmental group that participate in the planning process. At the above-mentioned conference, participants had equal authorities in making decisions and the conference could secure a clearness of planning through opening the process of planning and result of meeting. Comparing the planning process before and after the conference was held, the perception of participants were changed after introducing the conference, and participants showed agreement with the development principle, the number of the inhabits, a golf course, ecology network and so on. It provided invaluable information on ways to improve the quality of urban environment through collaborative planning.


 1. 서론
 2. 이론적 고찰
  2.1 신도시 개발과 도시계획 과정
  2.2 협력적 계획
  2.3 연구 문제의 설정
 3. 연구 내용 및 방법
  3.1 연구 대상 및 범위
  3.2 각 영역별 측정 항목
  3.3 연구 방법
 4. 사례 분석
  4.1 ‘지속가능발전협의회’의 도입과 참여자들의 갈등
  4.2 기존 신도시와 시화 신도시의 계획 과정 비교
  4.3 협력적 계획모델로서 지속가능발전협의회 분석
  4.4 협력적 계획 모델 도입의 효과와 한계
 5. 결론


  • 이경환 Lee Kyung-Hwan. 서울대학교 공학연구소 연구원
  • 홍성조 Hong Sung-Jo. 서울대학교 건설환경공학부 석사과정
  • 안건혁 Ahn Kun-Hyuck. 서울대학교 건설환경공학부 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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