

도시기능의 고도화도 판별방법 연구


Measuring Qualitative Difference between Urban Functions? Focusing on Establishing ‘Functional Quality Index’ ?


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Urban areas are composed of various urban functions, the structure of which shapes spatial influences of the area. The structure of urban functions can be viewed in three different ways; Quantitative, dimensional, qualitative aspects. Lots of researches have been made into spatial influence of the central areas in the cities, but most of them were focused mainly on the quantitative and dimensional features of central areas, not on the qualitative features being increasingly significant in the present cities. To present a basis to quality-oriented approaches, this paper focuses on establishing an index to measure how much qualified an urban function is. We investigated on the basic concept of qualitative difference shown in Berry's theories, and as a result of this, 'Functional Quality Index' was proposed to measure spatial influence of each urban function. Based on the responsiveness of increasing trend of functions as the market size became large, this index was considered to be appropriate in measuring qualitative difference between urban functions and was applied to major 90 major urban functions in Korean cities. The result was also used in some investigations on the functional characteristics and structure of major centers of Seoul, thus we could find some usefulness of this index in related studies and researches.


 1. 서론
 2. 도시기능의 질적 특성에 대한 이론적 고찰
  2.1 중심지이론의 접근: 품격화(qualified) 개념
  2.2 임계역에 의한 기능 품격화 비교의 난점
  2.3 기능 품격의 판정방법 모색: 기능고도화도
 3. 기능의 질적특성 측정방법: 기능고도화도(Functional Quality)
  3.1 기능고도화도의 측정방법 모색
  3.2 기능 질적특성 지표의 제안: 기능고도화도
 4. 주요 도시기능의 기능고도화도 실제 측정
  4.1 주요 도시기능의 기능고도화도 측정
  4.2 기능고도화도를 통한 지역특성 분석 사례; 서울 주요 도심부 기능특성
 5. 결론


  • 김주일 KIM, JU-IL. 한동대학교 공간환경시스템공학부 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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