

생태주거단지의 계획요소 설정과 한ㆍ일 비교 연구


A comparative study on the Korea and Japan for planning factors selection of ecological residential site


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Residents desire comfortable and nice cities because living environment is getting worse. The city environment is poor in Korea and raise the quality of Korean city environment is the most important task of city policies in the twenty-first century. To raise the quality of Korean city environment, we have to consider ecologic factor that can have a dramatic effect on the development of the city. An interest in an ecological dwelling site is getting higher recently. An ecological dwelling site appears the sustainable development is a means of settling the trouble of UN Conference on Environment and Development. We have to consider ecologic factor that is suitable for us to think of eco-friendly city make residents’ lives happy. Applied to example, three places adopted as an ecological residential site in Korea and three places made up as an eco-friendly city in Japan were evaluated. As a result of evaluation, in Korea, it was mentioned that reflection of a plan factor on a social basis and an economic basis was extremely weak, whereas plan factors on an environmental basis, put topography and natural environment in good order, were main points. However, in Japan, people could confirm that there was a realistic development of community featuring, picked up the concept of “ecology.” In conclusion, for the ecological residential siteguaranteed durability, we, under the government, should make the ecological residential siteset as example. In order for it, in a private field making an investigation into the example of the community featuring advanced, we need to set up a proper standard of a study and a development scale, select a plan location which could reflect nineteen plan factors on a social, economic, and environmental basis, and set up the purpose of development and direction of this project.


 1. 연구의 개요
  1.1 연구배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구 방법
 2. 생태주거단지의 이론적 접근
  2.1 생태주거단지의 개념
  2.2 선행연구 고찰
 3. 계획요소의 설정
  3.1 환경공생도시의 계획요소
  3.2 지속가능한 주거단지의 계획 요소
  3.3 생태계률 배려한 환경형성요소
  3.4 주민참여유도 요소
 4. 생태주거단지 계획요소의 적용을 통한 비교
  4.1 한 · 일 생태주거단지의 조성사례
  4.2 계획요소의 적용을 통한 생태주거단지 사례지 비교
 5. 결론


  • 이광국 Lee, Kwang-Kug. 동명대학교 건축학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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