

지역균형발전 정책대상으로서의 지역격차인식과 개별 기업의 공간선택 한계


Regional disparity in balanced regional development policy and the limited locational choice of individual firms


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study has three goals: ① to explain the regional disparity from the viewpoint of the diffusion of innovation, which has been known to cause the economic tides, ② to analyze locational behaviour of private enterprise from the viewpoint of production organization, production system and locational stratum, and ③ to visualize those constraints which private enterprises are to face when selecting sites. Regional disparity in economic results can be considered as the equation of time, because economic innovation diffuses from large cities to smaller ones, bringing about distance decay economic growth.On the other hand, regional disparity can be considered as the outcome made by the flow of production factors such as labour force, capital, information, decision making etc. These factors prefer spatial innovative environment, which tends to be accumulated by agglomeration effects. Even though an enterprise feels dis-agglomeration economies with growing population in its site, it will not move to other cities without compensating for the loss of external economies. It's the reason why the Capital Region of Korea continues to outgrow. Locational stratum of each industry in Korea can be figured out depending on its production organization and system. Especially locational stratum calculated by linkage patterns between firms including vertical integration or horizontal networking, shows that the accumulation of localized economies will be more efficient to realize balanced regional development.


 1. 들어가는 말
 2. 지역격차인식
  2.1 지역격차 인식논리
  2.2 지역격차 발생원인
 3. 기업의 공간선택 행태와 한계
  3.1 입지계층과 기업의 공간선택
  3.2 생산체계와 기업의 공간선택
  3.3 생산조직과 기업의 공간선택
 4. 집적효과와 기업이전 한계
  4.1 집적효과와 집적불경제
  4.2 공간 과밀현상과 기업의 공간선택 한계
 5. 맺는 말
 5. 맺는 말


  • 소진광 So, Jin Kwang. 경원대 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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