

서울시 창조산업의 경제적 성과와 집적화에 대한 일고찰


An Analysis on the Economic Performance of Creative Industry and Clustering in Seoul


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study deals with the economic performance of creative industry in terms of employers and firms, and further analyses the economic activities of the industry in Seoul, considering their preferring to cluster at metropolitan areas typically. The trends of agglomeration in every district of Seoul are investigated to verify the traditional facts that the activities of creative industry have the tendency of centering in some areas of a metropolitan region. The nine industries are selected following the scholarly definition of creative industry and the official data on the number of employed person and firms published by the NSO on a yearly basis during 1999~2003 are used on Korean standard industrial classification (KSIC). The location quotients for the districts of Seoul in those industries are used as indicators to show the relative degree of the industrial concentration and are compared in terms of periods between 1999 and 2003. This study shows that the creative industry of Seoul is leading in Korea and growing faster than overall employment. Apparently the position of Seoul has been strengthened in almost every selected creative industries and its activities tend to be oriented toward urban centers. This article has some limitations in that more segmented analysis of industry activities is not implemented due the inadequacy of existing data sources, which does not suggest fruitful ideas to explain the agglomeration in a city. This point needs to be a further quantitative and qualitative study.


 1. 서론
 2. 창조산업의 범위
 3. 연구방법론
 4. 우리나라 창조산업의 경제적 성과 평가
  4.1 우리나라 창조산업의 동향
  4.2 서울시 창조산업 활동의 현황과 자치구별 입지변화
 5. 결론


  • 구군모 Goo, Moon-Mo. 한라대학교 미디어콘텐츠학과 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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