

참여정부의 지방분권정책 평가 : 지방공무원의 인식조사를 중심으로


A Study on Evaluation of Decentralization Policy of the Participatory Government: Focused on the Cognitive Survey of Local Public Services


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The will of the Participatory Government to decentralize authority away from central government to local governments has been considered to be stronger than any previous governments. However, in order to achieve visible results of the decentralization policies, technical process, which can define and control variety of factors, is critical. Especially, evaluation and opinion of local public officers regarding decentralization are important factor showing how successful central government decentralization policies have been, because local public officers are direct recipients of the policy. While there have been considerable amounts of researches done for decentralization, most researches only discussed direction of the decentralization policy. As two years have passed since the beginning of the Participatory Government, some researches have studied the consequences of the policy, but they tend to be based on qualitative studies. Therefore this article conducted survey to local public officers in order to evaluate how they feel about the decentralization policy of the Participatory Government. This study adopted not only qualitative study but also quantitative research method. It will provide valuable lessens about how local public officers evaluate decentralization policy of the Participatory Government and how much contribution they provide for the success of the policy.


 1. 서론
 2. 참여정부의 지방분권정책 기조
  2.1 지방분권의 접근논리
  2.2 지방분권추진로드맵
  2.3 지방분권특별법
 3. 지방정부 공무원에 대한 인식조사 및 분석
  3.1 조사개요
  3.2 설문조사·분석
 4. 분석이 주는 교훈
  4.1 지방분권 가치의 공유
  4.2 중앙과 지방간 신뢰관계 구축
  4.3 지방분권정책의 추진체계 설정
  4 .4 지방분권과 지방분산의 구분
 5. 결론


  • 박욱성 Park, Wook-Sung. 강원대학교 행정도시행정학부 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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