

경관농업지구의 활성화를 위한 경관보전 지원제도의 개선방안에 관한 연구


A Study on the Direct Payback System for the Preservation of Sustainable Scenic Agriculture


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is focused on the rapidly emerging scenic agriculture in rural areas and the direct payback system for the preservation of sustainable scenic agriculture . The strong demands of free market system of worldwide agricultural products forced farmers to contrive the new alternatives which support the incresement of farmer's income from agriculture. So, the farmers diversify their income earning strategies and seek for the new frontier of sustainable survival. In this context, the scenic agriculture is the multi-purposed alternative which satisfies rural farmers. But the senic agriculture has poor institutional background and small part of nationwide agricultural economy.This study contributes new policy invention by suggesting workable propositions for scenic agriculture strategies. In conclusion, it is important to conceive the scenic agriculture in relation to sustainable agriculture. The products of scenic agriculture areas must be cultivated by the nature-oriented method without toxic inputsThe following strategies to expanding the scenic agriculture are demanded comprehensive programs. First, the classification and scope of scenic agriculture is rearranged and expanded in relation to the local rural situation. Second, the increasement of farmers' income is articulated by the supporting and investing on processing industry of scenic agriculture products. Third, scenic agriculture is connected with the green tourism and urban-rural transaction. The creative and bottom up approach are needed for the success of the scenic agriculture strategies for 21c rural 6th industry.


 1. 문제의 제기
 2. 농촌관광의 의의와 경관농업지구 조성의 필요성
  2.1 농촌관광의 의의
  2.2 경관농업지구 조성의 필요성
 3. 경관농업지구 활성화 관련제도의 검토
  3.1 경관보전 직불제도의 검토
  3.2 경관보전 직불제도의 개선방안
 4. 결론


  • 정철모 Chung, Cheol-Mo. 전주대 부동산학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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