

국제회의 기획가의 호텔컨벤션 개최지 선호도 분석


A Study on the Preference of the Hotel Convention Venue for the International Meeting Planners


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The first purpose of this study was to examine the importance of 6 hotels' convention selection attributes from the international meeting planners and the image similarity of hotel convention site. 6 hotels were selected because they were known as famous convention sites. The second purpose of this study was to examine attribute recognition and preference of hotel convention site based on the socio-demographic variables of the international meeting planners. Overall, four important suggestions were revealed from the results of this study. First, the importance analysis performed by mean value suggested that the attributes of hotel convention space, accommodation, and facility were the most important attributes, which is deeply related to the facilities of hotel convention. Second, considering image similarity, three were in the similar group out of 6 hotels' convention sites. Third, SS hotel was the most competitive in the attribute of hotel convention facility, SL hotel was the most competitive in the attribute of hotel accessibility and environment. Fourth, considering preference of hotel convention site based on socio-demographic variables, SS hotel was the most preferred, followed by JK hotel, SH hotel, JS hotel, SW hotel, and SL hotel that such rankings are the same as the number of meetings held in previous year.


 1. 서론
  1.1 문제제기
  1.2 연구목적
  1.3 연구방법 및 구성
 2. 관련 선행연구 고찰
 3. 분석개요
  3.1 호텔컨벤션 개최지 측정 속성 선정
  3.2 분석대상 호텔컨벤션 개최지 선정
  3.3 조사설계 및 분석방법
 4. 분석결과
  4.1 측정척도의 중요도 및 신뢰성 검증
  4.2 호텔컨벤션 개최지 이미지 유사성 분석결과
  4.3 호텔컨벤션 개최지 속성인식도 분석결과
  4.4 호텔컨벤션 개최지 선호도 분석결과
 5. 결론


  • 김시중 Kim, Si-Joong. 우송대학교 관광경영학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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