

3차원 GIS 기반의 도시경관 시각화 연구


A Study on the Visualization of Urban Landscape based on 3D GIS

송인성, 장문현

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In order to develop the desirable urban landscape, the effects of various city development should be anticipated and rational decisions should be made according to the anticipated results. Nowadays, the visualization of the urban landscape as the supporting tool for the future environmental impact assessment and the decision-making is increasing in its importance. Therefore, this study aims at finding out the present status of the urban landscape management in Korea and its problems, reviewing the visualization theory and its technology, and suggesting the proper 3D GIS techniques for the more objective analysis of urban landscape and its more efficient management. In this study, the cognitive function of 3D GIS space was uses and the landscape analysis was performed in the case study areas. The research results are as followings:1) the complex urban landscape structure can be produced almost as a real world,2) and the analysis of multi-dimensional urban landscape such as wide range of urban spatial data processing, the right to a view, the right to light, and the skyline is becoming possible. Moreover, it is expected that these additional functions of landscape visualization may contribute to the overall urban management such as urban planning, environmental planning, transportation planning, and public service if they are connected with urban administration.


 1. 서론
 2. 관련 이론 및 기술 검토
  2.1 도시경관관리 현황 및 문제점
  2.2 경관영향 예측기법 및 한계점
  2.3 3차원 경관정보 시각화 기법
 3. 도시경관 시각화의 3차원 GIS 적용
  3.1 시각화 기능 설계
  3.2 3차원 경관분석
 4. 결론


  • 송인성 Song, In-Sung. 전남대학교 지역개발학전공 교수
  • 장문현 Jang, Mun-Hyun. 전남대학교 지리학과 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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