

도시 생태하천공원의 가치 추정


An Estimation of the Value of Urban Ecological Riverside Park

임윤택, 이재영

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to measure the economic value of urban ecological riverside park in Daejeon Metropolitan City using contingent valuation method(CVM). About 500 citizens were surveyed regarding the willingness to pay for hypothetical environmental goods. Socio-economic factors of those surveyed were collected simultaneously. By the pre-survey result, starting price was decided to avoid the bias. After 2 times of question, we got the final price of willingness to pay under the given condition.The results of analysis are as follows; First, average price of willingness to pay for the entrance permit coupon of the ecological riverside park was 4,441.1 Korean Won(about US$4.33) per household annually. Second, total value of the planned ecological park is estimated at 2,258.14 million Korean Won(about US$2,203 thousand) per year. The capitalized value discounted by social discount rate is presumed at 51.6 billion Korean Won(about US$50.3 million). Finally, citizens surveyed around the project area(Daejeon River) showed lower price than those of other area. It was because that income of them were relatively low and they could be affected by the traffic jam caused by removal of riverside road to build up the ecological river park.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구의 범위 및 방법
 2. 문헌고찰
  2.1 조건부 가치측정법 (Contingent Valuation Method)
  2.2 생태하천공원의 조성
 3. 조사의 개요 및 기초분석
  3.1 조사의 개요
  3.2 생태하천공원 조성사업 인지여부 및 현재 이용여부
 4. 생태하천공원에 대한 지불의사금액 (WTP)
  4.1 가구당 연간 지불의사금액
  4.2 생태하천공원의 가치 추정 결과
 5. 결론 및 향후 연구과제
  5.1 결론
  5.2 향후 연구과제


  • 임윤택 Leem, Youn-Taik. 한밭대학교 토목 • 환경 • 도시공학부 전임강사
  • 이재영 Lee, Jae-Yeong. 대전발전연구원 도시교통연구부 책임연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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